Friday, November 10, 2017

Take back our America

Put a stop to all this crap and take back the America that our forefathers had made for us land and place to be proud of and put a stop to all this bullshit that I hear and see on the news. I mean changing names of schools taking down statues and for what reason cause some people have hurt feelings get over yourselves and deal with it cause it has been over several hundred years ago the past is just that the past it's done and over with move on and leave it alone. Damn it people changing things now does change what has made up what we are facing today wars in other countries as well as right here in our own back yard stop the nonsense and move forward and quit looking at the past cause if you don't you'll never see what lies ahead of you. Our forefathers gave all for us to have what we have today and we are making a mockery of what they had done for us by what we are doing today and all for what some one got there panties in a bunch.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Senseless violence

When did people start having targets on our head senseless killing of people in churches for no reason what so ever covering statues with black veils changing names of schools as well as streets just what in the hell do people think this will do? It's not going to change the past or make it go away all it is doing is showing just how in mature we have become letting some one else dictate how we run our country. Let's take back our great nation no matter what it takes stop all the bullshit and stop letting other's dictate our movements.

Friday, November 3, 2017

The almighty dollar

Wow! Isn't it funny all these online stores say the same thing. We started this store cause we seen just how hard it was to prepare meals for the family or we seen how hard it was to shop for our pet's at the store. But back in the sixties and seventies our families not only found time to fix a meal but they did the shopping as well. And they did not bitch one little bit. But back then it was called caring about the people who they loved. But in today's world it's called total laziness we say we don't have the time to shop for our family so we get on the computer and oh what is it called shop for what we want to fix with a limited number of items. And then we have to wait the two days for it to get there. And then prepare it any damn way so what did we manage to accomplish not a damn thing but showing just how stupid we are cause not only are we spending more but now we have to wait for it to get to us.