Thursday, March 15, 2018


Learn from our past and do not make the same mistake twice. We are taking down monuments from our past the people who have made this world what it has become. But we have dealt with these people since the beginning of time Christ was betrayed for just thirty pieces of silver.our native Americans where taken off there land and forced to live on reservations called savages made fun of all the time. True the African Americans have been treated just as bad taken away from there home land forced to do things that was unspeakable. It was just plain not right but to tear down monuments from our past is not going to change what once was but hopefully we can learn from them and not make the same mistake twice. To think that we have held them back from getting ahead in this world is just crazy I mean let's look at some of the great ones Tiger Woods. Dr.Martin Luther King JR. George Foreman. Sammy Davis Jr.Rev Jesse Jackson. Milly Smalls. Marvin Gaye. Smoky Robinson. There have been great ones from Doctors, lawyers spokesman as well as spokeswoman all over. And yes what happened in the Carolina area was bad but just cause some stupid grin whites who was stupid did some stupid things. Now we want to try to change our past by taking down monuments from our past. This does not change what happened in the past. Cause it's just that it's already done and over with we can't go back all we can do is move forwards and not make it happen again. Hopefully we won't make the same mistake again. But we already have been since 1971 the LGBT people have been treated as third rate human beings they have been beaten killed and thrown away like yesterday garbage. So we haven't learned a thing. We just keep treating people like they don't matter.