Tuesday, July 25, 2017

The war

The war began in the late eighties and then got worse in the nineties. I am talking about when our beloved Government took the ability to correct our children away from the parents. And that's when our kids knew they begin to do whatever they wanted to and their parents couldn't do a thing about it. And look at the out come kids started having kids and if they acted up and a parent tried to correct them and left a mark then the parent went to jail. So it was then that the world as we knew changed parents became the kids and kids started telling them what and how things would be we lost control of our youth and they would use it no matter how good they had it. If they didn't like things at home they would call the police and say they were abused.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Is it wrong?

Is it wrong for a person of one sec like clothing of the other sex? And for those who see and read this if you say yes it is then my all means explain why you feel that way! For if it isn't infringing on you or yours then why is it wrong. I mean look at some of the clothing for both sexes and you tell me which one looks and feels better. Why not wear what you find comfortable and feels right to you as long as it doesn't hurt anyone or gets you hurt. This world has me right to make choices for anyone that's not a minor or a member of there own household. So don't let them dictate your life. Live up to your full potential and let others. Live there own life don't be a judgemental ass.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Fear of the unknown

Why do we fear what we can't explain like we try to say what's normal and what is not normal! And who made the rules on what is called male wear and what is called female wear! And why do we throw away or kids cause they may say they are gay or bisexual or lesbian? Who made these rules and cause such a fear of theunknown or unmoral, and what makes so high and mighty that we can tell others what they can be and not be it's there life you have no right to try yo live it for them. You may not like the way they are but in the long run no mattrt how you stack it the are still your child or children and that's a fact you can't run from. But look at it this way no one ever said when I grow up I want to be a murder or a rapist or a drug dealer.these are things that just happen.

Hatred today

There totally is to much hatred in today's world! People hate for no reason at all. We need to get back to the golden rule of life, and that is do unto others as you would have done unto you. We need to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. People learn hate at home then they teach hate to there kids it's a never ending cycle we need to break the cycle of hate and bring peace back to America once again. Stop the never ending cycle of violence and abuse and hatred in our world. There once was a time when people could leave there homes unlocked and not worry bout it but in today's world they worry if there going to even make it home cause of all the hatred and violence and craziness in this place we call home.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

What has happened

When did America become crazy? Take all these commercial that say free this and the latest one was a sandwich maker that's been around for years she just calls it something different if you act right I'll give you a second one absolutely free just pay separate fee. Now when I was in school free mint take it I'm done with it our I don't need it any more so it's yours. But in today's world free means you must pay for it so in my books that's not free. But may be I am the one who is crazy. But I think we need to rethink all this crap and stop giving in to the hype. Because of all this online crap more business are going out of business places like J.C.Pennies and they been around a few years. Americans have gotten lazy we order crap online saying it makes our life easier. But what about the ones we are causing to loose there business doesn't it bother anyone that what we do is causing someone else there lively hood or have we become so cold hearted that we only think of ourselves. Let's keep these places open and shop in your own hometown so we can keep America great. All and all when we cause a business to go out of business we loose. In the long run cause our hometown is forced to make up the lost some place else like shocking up taxes on other things. So again think about who pays in the long run.


Why do people judge so much? Who died and made them boss anyway? They judge your size body type clothing you wear people you hang with even the food you eat. Hell even your frigin credit score. I am here to tell ya if my mate wants to know that crap beforehand then she can get packin cause I don't need someone like that in my life. People have no right to judge another anyway cause we all bleed the same color and we put our pants on the same way and that's one leg at a time. We are all created equal anyway. Mr. Martin Luther king Jr. Said in his speech I have a dream that one day all men will be equal. And is that the case in today's world no it's not. People are judged by there size and the size of there wallet. We have became a world who believe in material and that is it. It's no longer about helping your fellow man it's what's in it for me. Why have we given up on our fellow man and why have we turned into a world of fake people and fake things. The popular kids in school they don't have real friends they have nothing more than followers who are only there cause they as well want to be popular. Why not just be who and what you are and quit hurting others and live and let live stop the craziness. Why have we become so rapped up in size and popularity and really what's does it matter anyway. I am tired of seeing all these twigs saying I lost 12 or pounds using this stair climber or this machine here. Life is not a contest we are all here for a short while anyways live life to it's fullest and let your neighbor live his to there fullest as well. And stop all the nonsense and that. Quit trying to be something your not be yourself you just end up seeing something you might like. Why is what it's all about.

Saturday, July 15, 2017


Who was the one who said this is woman's wear and this is man's wear and what happened to freedom of choice? When did all this come about and why do we call a man who wears anything but trousers or jeans gay? Some several hundred years ago trousers did not exist robes or skirt like garments were all men wore. So what changes and when? Why is it that a man can not be just as comfortable as a woman you know are boys get hot as well as any other part of our bodies but no one cares about body health but yet they want to be lean bodies and all that a doctor at the school of medicine in California once said that men or those called cowboys that wore but huggers had more strangelated testicles then any one else so why can't we stop and wear a open garment like a skirt once and a while to keep the boys in good health? No cause if we do then it's said to be wrong. Down stairs they need to breath as well as the rest of our body. Doctors as we tell a man with a bad back to stop caring a wallet but if they start caring a man bag then as well they are called gay. America get the heck over yourself and stop trying to dictate what others can and can't do.