Sunday, July 16, 2017


Why do people judge so much? Who died and made them boss anyway? They judge your size body type clothing you wear people you hang with even the food you eat. Hell even your frigin credit score. I am here to tell ya if my mate wants to know that crap beforehand then she can get packin cause I don't need someone like that in my life. People have no right to judge another anyway cause we all bleed the same color and we put our pants on the same way and that's one leg at a time. We are all created equal anyway. Mr. Martin Luther king Jr. Said in his speech I have a dream that one day all men will be equal. And is that the case in today's world no it's not. People are judged by there size and the size of there wallet. We have became a world who believe in material and that is it. It's no longer about helping your fellow man it's what's in it for me. Why have we given up on our fellow man and why have we turned into a world of fake people and fake things. The popular kids in school they don't have real friends they have nothing more than followers who are only there cause they as well want to be popular. Why not just be who and what you are and quit hurting others and live and let live stop the craziness. Why have we become so rapped up in size and popularity and really what's does it matter anyway. I am tired of seeing all these twigs saying I lost 12 or pounds using this stair climber or this machine here. Life is not a contest we are all here for a short while anyways live life to it's fullest and let your neighbor live his to there fullest as well. And stop all the nonsense and that. Quit trying to be something your not be yourself you just end up seeing something you might like. Why is what it's all about.

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