Wednesday, October 18, 2017

What has happened to America

America has gone to hell in a hand cart and we are causing it! People protesting the American anthem schools changing names of the schools all cause some bleeding hearts are made about the past. But the part I am not getting is the word p.a.s.t. means it's done and over with so why in the hell are we bitching about it now? We are trying to rewrite history but aren't we just a little to late? But none of this matters much now our forefathers gave all for our world so we are more less saying screw you we don't give a shit about the people who gave there life for us. People like my Father and Brother as well as I we all served in the military for six and half years for people to be free but that don't matter we fought for our great country but it's cool we fought just so Americans could kill each other off.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

When do we say enough

Now everyone is saying Trump is once again is messing up on this health care act. But I want to know just who in the hell could afford Obama care when my Fiance checked in to Obama care it would have cost her 795.00 a month and she gets Social security in the amount of 806.00 now you tell me how that is affordable? If you bleeding hearts think that is the best thing since the invention of loaf bread then you all live in a fantasy world a lot of small business owners could not afford to offer insurance for employees cause of Obama care so who got the screwing on that one? You tell me and with this new plan at least these owners can once again can afford insurance for the employees who work for them. But now everyone else is crying come on people enough you all are just mad cause Trump can't be controlled like a puppet.Get over it he's in let it go and just deal with it. He's trying to fix all the shit that had been screwed up in the first place like wars and things like that and he has been fought at every turn cause we as Americans don't want a man in the white house we want a puppet on a string and someone we can tell what the house of congress wants not what's good for the people. But when we get someone who won't put up with bullshit then we Bitch about it saying he's screwing shit up only cause the Rich aren't getting richer. So now we are all upset cause we didn't get what we wanted so we're acting like a child and we are going to sit in the middle of the floor and throw a fit. Enough people get over yourself and knock off the bullshit and move on.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

I want to know

I want to know when did it happen? we have gone crazy. people ate real cow meat right out of the pasture are right from the garden ate wild hogs and things like snake gator and such lived to be well into there nineties but in today's world they say gluten and lactate and such make people sick. When did we become such a weak group of people? Are world has become of a pack of people who would rather eat wheat germ and stupid things like that they have convinced kids that soda pop is very harmful and alcohol is terrible when a beer a day keeps your kidneys flushed. Really what has happened to the time of the good food that are forefathers grew up on? The old west when our forefathers had to walk every where they went out ride a horse or take a when it was a tougher world and now days we are so tied up with technology it is slowly killing us off cause we have became lazy. No time to teach our children about the important parts to life like how to repair broken pipes in the home or fix a car when need be or spend the day just sitting back with your kids fishing or hunting in the woods for food or teaching them what the out doors has to offer.

Monday, October 2, 2017

I don't get it

Let's start by saying what the heck is going on? I just don't get it you all have probably seen these lasik commercials! Now let's take a closer look at this very closely. They say 299.00 per eye and in the first part of the commercial the guy says are you tired of the way glasses or contacts put a strain on your wallet? Now when I was in school in math class they did teach us all about greater than and less than and eyewear for less sells two pairs of glasses for around 84.00 after taxes and 299.00 per eye is 598.00 now I sure think 84.00 is a heck of a lot less than 598.00. So why are they trying to sell us a thing that some may not be able to afford.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Watch out

Younger people watch out! If your girlfriend or boyfriend is calling all the time or texting all the time then watch out cause they just might be a control freak. Get away as soon as you can for this shows a lack of trust in your relationship. Trust and conversation are the key to any good relationship you must know how to talk things out and both need to be good listeners don't be to eager to jump to conclusions listen and hear what the other is saying then express your feelings then see from there before making any judgment. The old saying is don't assume anything cause it makes a ass out of you and me. And that is the truth of the matter, when we are eager to jump to conclusions they it shows total lack of trust into ones mate. Without trust then your fighting a uphill battle. And you will not win. Learn to trust in each other talk things out and enjoy each others strength and weaknesses. We all need love and give love it's what makes us human beings.

What's new

Over the years we think we are just now seeing new things going on in the world things never seen before but we have been mislead. In the mid 40's a man of the last name of Joseph came out with a puncture resistance tire the Government stop him in his tracks now they have one you can drive up to fifty miles before you need to fix it. In the middle 30's a man came out with a electric power car and once again they were stopped in there tracks. And as far as identity theft well that's been going on since the time of boot leggers so none of the things we see now days are new to this world it's been going on for years we are just now making a big deal out of it and all in the name of the all mighty dollar it's all about if you are crazy enough to fall for the hype. And yes most are. Larry the cable guy once said in one of his stand up shows American public invent things you didn't even know you needed and it's sad but true if they put it on tv and say we need it yes most.Will run out and buy it. We don't take the time to research it we just run out and buy it. Only because they said we needed it. Now what does that say about us to me it says we have the cow mentality cause we follow along and just like puppets on a string we react. When I was studying for my mechanics license our instructor always said if it's not broken don't fix it. Think about that for a minute.