Saturday, October 14, 2017

When do we say enough

Now everyone is saying Trump is once again is messing up on this health care act. But I want to know just who in the hell could afford Obama care when my Fiance checked in to Obama care it would have cost her 795.00 a month and she gets Social security in the amount of 806.00 now you tell me how that is affordable? If you bleeding hearts think that is the best thing since the invention of loaf bread then you all live in a fantasy world a lot of small business owners could not afford to offer insurance for employees cause of Obama care so who got the screwing on that one? You tell me and with this new plan at least these owners can once again can afford insurance for the employees who work for them. But now everyone else is crying come on people enough you all are just mad cause Trump can't be controlled like a puppet.Get over it he's in let it go and just deal with it. He's trying to fix all the shit that had been screwed up in the first place like wars and things like that and he has been fought at every turn cause we as Americans don't want a man in the white house we want a puppet on a string and someone we can tell what the house of congress wants not what's good for the people. But when we get someone who won't put up with bullshit then we Bitch about it saying he's screwing shit up only cause the Rich aren't getting richer. So now we are all upset cause we didn't get what we wanted so we're acting like a child and we are going to sit in the middle of the floor and throw a fit. Enough people get over yourself and knock off the bullshit and move on.

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