Sunday, October 1, 2017

Watch out

Younger people watch out! If your girlfriend or boyfriend is calling all the time or texting all the time then watch out cause they just might be a control freak. Get away as soon as you can for this shows a lack of trust in your relationship. Trust and conversation are the key to any good relationship you must know how to talk things out and both need to be good listeners don't be to eager to jump to conclusions listen and hear what the other is saying then express your feelings then see from there before making any judgment. The old saying is don't assume anything cause it makes a ass out of you and me. And that is the truth of the matter, when we are eager to jump to conclusions they it shows total lack of trust into ones mate. Without trust then your fighting a uphill battle. And you will not win. Learn to trust in each other talk things out and enjoy each others strength and weaknesses. We all need love and give love it's what makes us human beings.

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