Tuesday, February 20, 2018


Equality should go for everyone but it doesn't we see all types around the world fighting some sort of discrimination. It first started with Indians when the pilgrims first showed up. Then the African Americans as well as women's rights to vote and now days since the 70's there has been a fight for equality for the LGBT and now it's the transgender that are fighting for equal rights in the work place but we have not made any advancement toward any type of problem solving in any of these case's and why not it's very simple we are a world full of hatred. If we can't explain it or we don't agree with there way of life we kill it off or throw it behind bars. That's the way of the world. We the people are created equal if you are rich or born on the right side of the track. What this means is that if you wasn't born with a silver spoon up your butt then your screwed. Now this is to be black history month and I set and wonder why no one listened to Dr Martin Luther king Jr when he said that all men are created equal. But we seem to have forgotten those words cause we still have people hating other people for no reason at least any that make any sense at all. We act like we all are still in grade school and fighting over the last cookie on the tray. Come on America wake up and give everyone equal rights and stop the hate.

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