Sunday, February 18, 2018

We the people

Have we as Americans lost sight of what the true meaning of the constitution of our great nation really says? Yes we have we took parental control away from there parents as well as taking away control away from the teachers as well as the principal and vice principal. Look at where all of that has gotten us and now we have kids shooting up classrooms and people wow we have done such a bang up job now they want to take weapons out of the hands of good people and give the criminals even a better chance to kill off the innocent one's. This sounds like such a great idea. I know if someone breaks in and they have a gun we can always tell them to wait why we call the law on them right I wonder how far that would get a eighty year old woman or a ten year old boy. If we can't protect ourselves what are we to do? I know lay down and play dead. Just like you could do in the woods and see how far that gets someone. They keep taking and not giving anything in return. And all in the name of protection. And nothing they have done so far has done a damn bit of good. It has caused the drug dealers get bigger and better. True you see on your big screen television this crack house or that one taken down but what you don't see is when one leader is cut off at the knees another one takes his or her place. They just move locations and regroup and continue business as usual.

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