Saturday, September 23, 2017

Are we mad

Has the world we live in gone mad? We are suing people for everything. Everything from baby powder, to the pills we take for stomach troubles, what is wrong with us really? Wake up America what are we doing? To many are suing for no reason what so ever. Now I am not saying there aren't those who don't need to be sued. Well why have we gone so nuts in all these cases. What is the true meaning behind all of this can anyone tell me this? People sue for being hit or a death from Medical malpractice or something like that and this is good. But for all these lawyers advertising suing this pharmaceutical company or that one for one reason or another and all cause we are told it causes this or that. But do we know it to be true or is it just another way to get money from those who fall for the hype. I say put a stop to big brother and don't let.him lead you like cattle.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Americans are so gullible

We as Americans are so damn gullible we fall for all the crap they say we need. Teen's are the worse of the batch they fall for the hype. For centuries kids used all natural ingredients to cure acne treatment but then proactive comes along and bang everyone thinks they need it. As well as clothing and shoes if the commercials say we need it we run over each other just to get it. And then they say get a second one free just pay separate fee now I really don't know what school they went to but free does not cost it's just means that you pay nothing. But now how they really get you is they get a famous baseball or basketball or singer or someone famous in any way to advertise it and bang we are all for it. And the newest one is the fixme stick you buy is but if you want to use it on more than one computer you have to call them and pay more cause you can only use it on three. But you pay 9.95 for it. So why can't you use it on as many as you want? We need to stop buying into all the hype!

Not belonging

Quite a lot of teen's feel this way, they feel as though they don't belong or they just don't fit in. But most modern day churches make people feel that way as well they make most feel very uncomfortable. Cause if you don't dress this way or that then you just don't belong. I guess they have fallen away the way Christ preached to the people and they did not hear him say come as you are. He went around preaching the good news all over and bit did not matter who you were. But churches of today's world have there own little clicks and if you don't fit into there little click then your out. We need to get back to the basic way of teaching God's word and learn from Christ and let the ones wanting to learn about God come as they are and not try to stop them just cause they don't dress well or drive a new car or just cause they don't fit in.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Things go around

Quite a few year's back they said we need to eat better to live longer so they took away the way cattle ranchers raised the cattle that they sold to slaughter houses. Now they say what we are eating now days are killing people off they say it's the stuff that the cattle ranchers are feeding the cattle. What in the hell are they doing first they stop the way people have eaten for years and now they it's wrong for what they did in the first place. Milk people had been drinking cows milk for years then the CDC steps in and says it's harmful for us so they stop cattle ranchers from selling cows milk to the public.Now days we have Lactate what they call real milk and if you read it it's milk with cream oh yeah just what milk cow ranchers sold the same thing and was stopped why just so other's could charge you more and get you to believe what you grew up on was bad for you when it was not at all. But you all buy into all there bull crap. But if grass fed cattle was so bad why did our grandparents and parents live to old with very little problems at all. All the farmer's grew up on what had been raised right on the farm and many of these farmer's are the toughest men you'll ever meet. But the cattle are bad for us and if you look at when all these cattle was said to be bad for us it was right after the Government had steppes in then shortly after we have mad cow disease. Think about it.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Fake friends

False friendships pop up all throughout our life some last for only a little bit of time other's may last quite a few year's. But most of them are nothing more then the ones hanging around cause you may make them look good or your the popular one in school and they want to be popular as well. But the ones that get me the most are these so called church goers that will say how nice it is to see you right in front of your face and then talk about you the minute your back is turned. I mean they say they are your friends but talk about you like your a nobody seriously what kind of friendships are these any way. As my Father used to say with friends like these who need enemies! Pastors are the worse ones of them all though I know first hand. My wife had a major stroke and our pastor acted like it was no big deal. Oh yeah he finally got up to the hospital to see her two weeks into it. But one of the other people from the church her son who has cancer was being taken to Tulsa and he was johnny on the spot he was out the door and heading right to Tulsa I mean like wow what in the neck is up with that?

Where has our world gone?

What has happened to a world of respect and trusting your neighbors gone? A world where our kids could play without harm! A world of caring and loving one another. A place where your neighbors would watch your place when you was gone! Now days when you ask for help from your neighbors it's like you are imposing on them or they look at you like you've grown two heads, now days it's all about what's in it for me no one will lift a finger to help out someone else without wanting something in return. And our world shows there true colors by just looking around it shows all over the place just look at how many homeless people there are and all because we have became so self absorbed in our own bull that we just don't care what happens to our fellow man. Yeah true there's all these food banks and homeless shelters but you have to be out at a special time in the morning and can't check back in till a special time at night So how does that help it's not permanent and it only helps a few at a time. When are we going to solve the problem and help these people get back on there feet so they can become self sufficient once again. No we are not going to help them cause we are to busy helping third world countries feed there people cause we don't care about our own any more. Stop the hate and help those ones in our own backyard before we help those who started out hating us in the beginning.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Are we that Lazy?

Have we become that Lazy that we order our groceries online and have them delivered to are home. Now they have got a way to buy a car online and have it delivered right to your door. What happened to going down and checking out what you are buying so you can see if it's mechanically sound just to make sure your not getting screwed on the deal. It's like this world we live in have become to afraid to leave the house. Come on people wake up and see what's happening around you with all this technology we are becoming a world of lazy people! It all started with applications being done on the computer but before that schools had already been using computers in the classrooms for reading and math. Some car companies are coming out with cars that stop on there own and different things like that refrigerators that keep track of what's in them so it can order stuff when you run out. Give me a damn break are we that damn lazy that we can't go buy what we need at the store. And if your to stupid that you don't know something in front or back of your car that it has to stop for you then you should not be driving in the first place. A lot of companies have been closing there doors all over the place cause this next generation have become so damn dependent on the internet they buy all sorts of things from it and look at what has become of our towns cause of this fact. The taxes that our towns get from retailers pay for road repairs and things like that but they don't give a damn about there home towns just as long as they have there internet they are good.