Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Are we that Lazy?

Have we become that Lazy that we order our groceries online and have them delivered to are home. Now they have got a way to buy a car online and have it delivered right to your door. What happened to going down and checking out what you are buying so you can see if it's mechanically sound just to make sure your not getting screwed on the deal. It's like this world we live in have become to afraid to leave the house. Come on people wake up and see what's happening around you with all this technology we are becoming a world of lazy people! It all started with applications being done on the computer but before that schools had already been using computers in the classrooms for reading and math. Some car companies are coming out with cars that stop on there own and different things like that refrigerators that keep track of what's in them so it can order stuff when you run out. Give me a damn break are we that damn lazy that we can't go buy what we need at the store. And if your to stupid that you don't know something in front or back of your car that it has to stop for you then you should not be driving in the first place. A lot of companies have been closing there doors all over the place cause this next generation have become so damn dependent on the internet they buy all sorts of things from it and look at what has become of our towns cause of this fact. The taxes that our towns get from retailers pay for road repairs and things like that but they don't give a damn about there home towns just as long as they have there internet they are good.

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