Saturday, September 16, 2017

Things go around

Quite a few year's back they said we need to eat better to live longer so they took away the way cattle ranchers raised the cattle that they sold to slaughter houses. Now they say what we are eating now days are killing people off they say it's the stuff that the cattle ranchers are feeding the cattle. What in the hell are they doing first they stop the way people have eaten for years and now they it's wrong for what they did in the first place. Milk people had been drinking cows milk for years then the CDC steps in and says it's harmful for us so they stop cattle ranchers from selling cows milk to the public.Now days we have Lactate what they call real milk and if you read it it's milk with cream oh yeah just what milk cow ranchers sold the same thing and was stopped why just so other's could charge you more and get you to believe what you grew up on was bad for you when it was not at all. But you all buy into all there bull crap. But if grass fed cattle was so bad why did our grandparents and parents live to old with very little problems at all. All the farmer's grew up on what had been raised right on the farm and many of these farmer's are the toughest men you'll ever meet. But the cattle are bad for us and if you look at when all these cattle was said to be bad for us it was right after the Government had steppes in then shortly after we have mad cow disease. Think about it.

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