Sunday, September 17, 2017

Not belonging

Quite a lot of teen's feel this way, they feel as though they don't belong or they just don't fit in. But most modern day churches make people feel that way as well they make most feel very uncomfortable. Cause if you don't dress this way or that then you just don't belong. I guess they have fallen away the way Christ preached to the people and they did not hear him say come as you are. He went around preaching the good news all over and bit did not matter who you were. But churches of today's world have there own little clicks and if you don't fit into there little click then your out. We need to get back to the basic way of teaching God's word and learn from Christ and let the ones wanting to learn about God come as they are and not try to stop them just cause they don't dress well or drive a new car or just cause they don't fit in.

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