Thursday, September 14, 2017

Fake friends

False friendships pop up all throughout our life some last for only a little bit of time other's may last quite a few year's. But most of them are nothing more then the ones hanging around cause you may make them look good or your the popular one in school and they want to be popular as well. But the ones that get me the most are these so called church goers that will say how nice it is to see you right in front of your face and then talk about you the minute your back is turned. I mean they say they are your friends but talk about you like your a nobody seriously what kind of friendships are these any way. As my Father used to say with friends like these who need enemies! Pastors are the worse ones of them all though I know first hand. My wife had a major stroke and our pastor acted like it was no big deal. Oh yeah he finally got up to the hospital to see her two weeks into it. But one of the other people from the church her son who has cancer was being taken to Tulsa and he was johnny on the spot he was out the door and heading right to Tulsa I mean like wow what in the neck is up with that?

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